✨Space Holder✨. Energy Healer • Intuitive Counselor • Wellness/Fitness Coach • Reiki Master Teacher
Angel Therapy Practitioner • Medium • 200 RYT• KRI Certified Kundalini Teacher• Channel
44 Day Frequency Raising Bootcamp
Welcome to this container of support and space for expanded Knowing.
You can connect with other members, get updates and share ideas, pictures or videos with each other here.
It is a great time of change. And that is why it is so important to be Anchored within as the external world continues to spiral and do what it's gong to do. If you don't know it yeet...you will...
That you are the safest, yummiest, most sacred place to land. So we are here together building cultivate balance and our Wholistic muscles to Go deeper and deeper within ourselves. Because underneath the pain, anger, desires, expectations, judgements, anxiety is where the TRUE YOU lives.
I look forward to deepening this journey with each of you!
Much Love,
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September 22, 2024
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